Cushion Cut Engagement Ring

Cushion Cut Halo Engagement Ring

Cushion-Cut Engagement Rings
Cushion-Cut Engagement Rings
Cushion-Cut Engagement Rings

Cushion-cut diamond engagement rings are a popular choice among brides because of their sparkle and elegant beauty. Also, cushion cuts are not graded by the GIA because they belong to fancy shapes. So, you must be extra careful when you buy rings set with this cut.

Cushion cuts are one of the best alternatives to round brilliant cut diamonds. In this article, we will look at top mistakes that you must avoid when choosing cushion-cut diamond rings.

What Is A Cushion-Cut Diamond?

Cushion-cut diamonds are known by this name because they look like pillows. They produce amazing colored sparkles because of their high crowns. Moreover, some of them have “crushed ice” brilliance, while others have more contrast. Last but not least, most people prefer the latter type of stones in their cushion-cut engagement rings.

Listed below are the table and depth percentages for cushion-cut diamonds with different cut quality:

  • Tabel %: 58-66 for ideal cut, 55-57 or 67-69 for premium cut, and below 55 or over 70 for an average cut
  • Depth %: 62-68 for ideal cut, 60-61 or 69-70 for premium cut, and below 59 or over 71 for an average cut

Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Cushion-Cut Diamond Engagement Rings

Mistake 1: Buying cushion-cut diamond ring without any contrast.

It is important to have contrast when buying cushion-cut diamonds because the dark areas will highlight the white and rainbow sparkle. By contrast, gemologists mean dark background areas in a diamond. Skillful diamond cutters cut diamonds in such a way that they include angles that allow for both bright light and contrast. So, when buying cushion-cut engagement rings, look for stones that have an even spread of contrast.

Mistake 2: Buying cushion-cut diamond ring with watery “window” in the center.

You must avoid buying stones with windowing; this is frequent with cushion-cut diamonds. They are notorious for having watery “window” in the center. This happens due to inconsistencies in the angle when the diamond cutter tries to reserve weight, i.e., add more carat weight. So, if you are looking to buy the best cushion-cut diamond engagement rings, look at the center of the cushion-cut diamond.

Mistake 3: Not identifying odd reflections or fish eyes.

Cushion-cut diamonds exhibit the phenomenon called fisheye because the girdle is reflected under the table facet. This happens due to the unusual depth proportions of this diamond cut.

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