The Thanksgiving week has been a special one for the Quantico series star, Priyanka Chopra. It was Chopra’s first Thanksgiving with her singer husband, Nick Jonas. She marked the occasion by sharing a post on Instagram, giving a glimpse of the engagement ring with cushion-shaped diamond. It has been almost a year since Piggy Chops married the singer. It seems the celebrity couple has already started the celebrations.
The actor has been through many controversies since then, but she has also gained much acclaim for her performances, especially in “The Sky Is Pink”. That certainly is not the color of her ring diamond, though. The four-carat sparkler is a cushion cut stone set on a platinum band. This post is a hit among her millions of followers on Instagram. It has already created a buzz on social media.
Cushion cut diamond engagement rings have been more popular in the last few years than ever before. The unique shape of this diamond cut has a romantic feel, with big facets and rounded edges. The stone can look more oval-shaped than round when looked from the above, or when the wearer gives a ‘face-up’ view of it. That is precisely what Jonas is getting from his wife, and what we get to see in the Instagram video.
He also got a puppy of the German Shepherd breed from Priyanka as a Thanksgiving present. On Insta, she shared a video of her waking Jonas up from sleep and showing him the ‘Gino Jonas’ puppy. As she wakes him up, we also get a close look at her ring for a few seconds.
The actor loves sharing life moments with her followers, and she took to Instagram the day after Thanksgiving to put a photo of them celebrating it at home. The picture also gives a glimpse of this ring. She did not forget to greet every person a happy Thanksgiving. In the ring photo, she is all smiles and snuggling into Jonas as the latter takes their selfie. Clad in her white-colored cardigan, she is seen wearing her sparkling stone on platinum alongside another ring.
This was not the first occasion the fans of the actor got to see her cushion diamond ring, though. That moment came during Piggy Chops’ party with her celebrity friends from Bollywood, including actor Raveena Tandon.